Top tips available at CLA planning seminars

Hear from experts on planning and development at events across South East
The planning system can be a minefield, so let the CLA guide you.

A specialist panel of speakers will reveal their top tips and advice on how to navigate through the delights of the English planning system, at a series of CLA seminars.

The events will be held for across the South East offering members the chance to hear from experts and pose their questions.

Speakers will cover the potential pitfalls of the planning application process, including what development can be achieved without the need for full planning permission (permitted development).

This seminars will also look at how to bring land forward for allocation for housing and other development including promotion, option agreements and other conditional contracts.

Speakers will include:

- Shannon Fuller, the CLA's lead on planning, on permitted development and diversification.

- A planning specialist from The Rural Planning Practice, on how to deliver a successful planning application.

- An expert from Catesby Estates, on opportunities for landowners through land promotion.

There will be tea and coffee available on arrival, and time for Q&As and networking.

Event details

Date and time: Wednesday, 10 April 2024, 2.30pm to 5.30pm.

Venue: Millets Farm Centre, Kingston Road, Frilford, Oxfordshire, OX13 5HB.

Book here.

Date and time: Thursday, 11 April 2024, 9.30am to 12.30pm.

Venue: Kingdom, Grove Road, near Tonbridge, Kent, TN11 8DU.

Book here.

Date and time: Thursday, 11 April 2024, 2.30pm to 5.30pm.

Venue: Myrtle's Courtyard at Hampton Estate, near Seale, Surrey, GU10 1HL.

Book here.


The cost of this event is £24 including VAT for members, and £36 including VAT for non-members.

If you have any issues booking online, please call the CLA South East office on 01264 358 195 or email and the team will be happy to assist.

These events are supported by Catesby Estates and The Rural Planning Practice.