Rural crime in Hampshire – the DISC registration process

Members encouraged to download the DISC App to join the Hampshire Rural Crime Partnership
Rural crime
Sign up for the Hampshire Alerts free messaging service which shares messages, cases and key advice

Following recent meetings between the CLA and Hampshire Police, it has once again been recognised that rural crime is being under-reported.

Hazel Cross, Country Watch & Licensing Coordinator for Hampshire and IOW, urges CLA members to report all incidents using the DISC App.

Hazel said: “We believe only 30% of rural crime actually gets reported to police. If we do not know about it, and it is not recorded on our reporting platforms we are unable to track patterns and allocate our resources effectively.

"Unreported incidents and crimes do not get included in our statistics and data analysis, therefore local rural policing teams and Country Watch could be missing out on vital funding to support and resource these areas of your community.

"Data analysis from these reports are so important as it identifies hot spot areas of concern, which includes a breakdown of the different types of rural crimes we are faced with, including dates and times, to potentially bring a pattern to help understand this data. Therefore, we have an opportunity to hopefully foresee any harm and threat before it can occur.

"With the new data analyst and researcher in position we are now able to break down this data of rural crime, this will help the force and Police and Crime Commissioner to allocate funding and resourcing which could be put back into the rural community to assist in tackling rural crime, but we need those reports so we can include them in our evidence.”

Members are being encouraged to download and register for the DISC App to join the Hampshire Rural Crime Partnership, by emailing asking for a link to the registration form. Alternatively scan the QR code (below) on your mobile.

Also sign up for the Hampshire Alert free messaging service which shares messages, cases and key advice

DISC QR code.jpg
Scan the QR code on your mobile device and complete the registration form.