Royal Isle of Wight County Show 2021 cancelled - CLA backs its return next year
Show falls victim to Covid-19 uncertainty once again
The Royal Isle of Wight County Show 2021 has been cancelled due to uncertainty around Covid-19, making it the second year in a row organisers have had to make the difficult decision.
Country Land and Business Association (CLA) South East Regional Director Michael Valenzia has expressed sympathy with the show team.
He said: “The Royal Isle of Wight County Show is a flagship event in the Island’s agricultural calendar and to hear that it won’t go ahead this summer as planned is sad to hear, but entirely understandable given the current uncertainty regarding events and potential Covid-19 related restrictions. The health and safety of everyone involved must come first.
“Many rural businesses rely on the show as an opportunity to demonstrate their fantastic products and services to thousands of people.
“The CLA is supporting its members, who are a range of farmers, landowners and rural businesses, through this difficult time with the latest advice and information regarding coronavirus. We are also holding regular calls with government officials and lobbying on issues the industry needs to be reviewed to support them through these uncertain times.
“The rural sector is exceptionally resilient however, having faced more than its share of adversity in the past. I have every confidence the Royal Isle of Wight County Show will bounce back and we can’t wait to be part of it once again in 2022.”
CLA South East represents landowners, farmers and rural businesses across the Isle of Wight. For more information about the CLA and its work, visit CLA South East and follow @CLASouthEast on Twitter.