Nature Recovery Green Paper

The CLA has responded to the Defra consultation on the Nature Recovery Green Paper, available on the Government website here:

The CLA has responded to the Defra consultation on the Nature Recovery Green Paper, available on the Government website here:

The Green Paper covers a range of reforms relating to protected wildlife sites and species and the Government’s commitment to protect 30% of land for nature by 2030. The CLA response highlights some of the problems with current protected sites regime and the need for more funding and flexibility to allow land managers to fulfil their potential in delivering nature recovery.

Rural landowners are in a strong position to support the government in meeting these goals; however, they face complex demands for environmental responsibility, climate action and sustainable farm production while still running viable businesses.

We have detailed several areas where we believe change is needed to ensure nature recovery is delivered, including:

  • A single system of protected sites with flexibility within this system;
  • A reformed, single process for statutory site designation;
  • Investment in a Natural Capital Baseline and Training Programme for land managers
  • Convening a technical working group to look at reforms to Forestry EIA regulations;
  • Implementing the recommendations of the Financing UK Nature Recovery report to kick start green finance.

Nature Recovery Green Paper

Read the CLA's consultation response here.
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