Rural business owners briefed on energy matters

The CLA North team hosted a successful seminar at Scotch Corner Hotel (28 March) to benefit farmers, landowners and rural business members on understanding key issues around energy

The CLA North team hosted a successful seminar at Scotch Corner Hotel (28 March) to benefit farmers, landowners and rural business members on understanding key issues around energy.

The event dealt with energy procurement strategies in order to save money on electricity, renewables and on-site generation. This covered different types of contracts, an analysis of current market conditions and information on how energy is purchased.

The renewables and on-site generation presentation covered solar generation, battery storage, carbon reporting and meter installations. Planning matters relating to renewables were also discussed, resulting in a range of questions from those attending.

As part of the day, delegates also heard more about CLA Energy Services who offered a free rural business surgery to inspect rural business energy bills of those attending as part of an Energy Health Clinic. (See pic)

The presentations were rounded off by Chris Thyer of GSC Grays who provided an update regarding energy generation permissible on domestic and business property via Permitted Development (without the need to full planning permission) and what to consider prior to proceeding with a planning application for on-site generation.

CLA Director North Lucinda Douglas said: “This event provided delegates from the farming and the land-based business sector with vital information on all aspects relating to their energy usage and alternative methods of generating their own.”

“CLA Energy Services also hosted a practical surgery to look at rural businesses’ energy bills, and to see whether they can source a more cost-effective supplier and contract. Such surgeries have resulted in annual savings on energy bills running into thousands, and sometimes tens of thousands of Pounds.”