About CLA Cymru
Representing over 3,000 members in Wales, our goals are to protect and shape the future of the Rural Landscape. From Welsh agriculture, regeneration of the rural economy, improving the Welsh planning system and working with Members of both the Senedd and Welsh MPs to shape policy.
CLA Cymru provides services and representation for members with rural farming, land and business interests throughout Wales.
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Serving members in Wales
Our members range from rural residents with an interest in land, to farmers and land managers with disparate business interests, estates of varying size and a diverse range of businesses which serve the rural community.
Here in Wales agriculture is often seen hand-in-hand with tourism and hospitality businesses and business providing amenities. These members are supported by our Wales national team of staff who are pleased to meet members at our office, often at a member's address, or at a CLA Cymru event.
Members are invited to call us on 01547 317085 to arrange an appointment.
Our Polisi Cymru committee focuses on national policy and political issues affecting the membership. We have four regional branches, each of which is represented and served by a committee.
External Affairs
We campaign in Wales and within Welsh regions, on behalf of our members and the whole rural economy. We engage with the UK Government and Welsh MP's on cross border matters, alongside the Welsh Government and the Senedd (Welsh Parliament) on devolved issues. We also align with local government and key national bodies such as NRW and National Parks.
In the Senedd we provide the secretariat for the Cross Party Group on Rural Growth which has undertaken the Senedd's first formal inquiry into rural productivity.
We work with peer and other stakeholder organisations in Wales and have representation in a range of organisations to safeguard our members' interests.
Help and Advice
As devolution continues, more and more matters require special advice in Wales. Here most land-related matters are managed by the Welsh Government, Farming is to be supported and regulated by a Welsh scheme, the planning system, economic development policy, some taxes and an increasing body of law - are unique in Wales.
Our teams knowledge extends beyond farming to include other key topics such as planning, tourism, energy and rural business.
Thisenables us to advise members on a wide range of relevant issues.
For help and advice on any matter, large or small, contact the team at the regional office. If we are unable to deal with the query we have a database of other experts with whom we can put you in touch.
Regional Events
We arrange a series of events focused on interesting land-uses, innovation, special areas of interest or social events for our members to meet, network, learn and socialise with like minded people.
These are advertised in our eNews and on the regional pages of the CLA's national Land & Business magazine.
Our Committees
Our Welsh national policy committee and our branch committee members are the "eyes and ears on the ground" for CLA Cymru, and form an important role in formulating national policy, ensuring views and concerns of members are taken into account.
Polici Cymru
Polisi Cymru is our committee which attends to national policy in Wales. Within its ambit are our approach to the devolved responsibilities of the Welsh Government and also the powers reserved to the Westminster and how they impact on Wales. The Committee is drawn from CLA Cymru members from all four of our branch regions.
Polisi Cymru
Regional Committees
To find out who is on your branch committee, click on your region below. Members who would like to take part in a committee may apply - or request to be an observer at a meeting. All members can, of course, take part in the Annual General Meeting of their respective branch committee.
North Wales Branch Committee
Meirionnydd & Montgomeryshire Branch Committee
Dyfed Branch Committee
South East Wales Branch Committee
Become a member
There has never been a more important time to benefit from being a member of the CLA: if you are not already part of our organisation contact the regional office on 01547 317085 or email us to find out more.
Members can access a range of exclusive benefits including our insurance offering, utilities, healthcare, discounted vehicles and offers from other members.