Improving the energy performance of privately rented homes in England and Wales

The CLA's 28,000 members manage around 10 million acres and operate over 250 different types of businesses.

Collectively, our members manage around a third of all rural private rented sector housing. They provide housing for local people, many of who are retired and/or on benefits. Our most recent member research suggests that on average, tenants stay at a property 7.5 years, with 30% of tenants staying 10 or more years.

Most of these homes are of traditional (pre-1919) construction and many are listed or within conservation areas. Because of this, profitability is often low due to high management and maintenance costs of older buildings, cyclical repairs and extensive refurbishment needed every 15-25 years. In addition, our members often charge less than the market rent to support local communities in the absence of social housing. 60% of respondents to our most recent member survey provided at least one Assured Shorthold Tenancy below market rent, with 24% of all Assured Shorthold Tenancies being let below market rent, in effect acting as a social landlord.

Our members are committed to helping the government achieve the 2050 net-zero target. They are currently engaging in many practices to reduce their emissions and many are undertaking ‘carbon accounts’ to measure and then manage their carbon emissions and assess where they can make improvements.

The CLA has long been very supportive of measures to mitigate climate change and we support regulation on this, but it has to be proportionate, transparent, consistent, properly targeted and effective.

Improving the energy performance of privately rented homes in England and Wales

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