Who the CLA Charitable Trust fund
Find out who the CLA Charitable Trust support through funding
We support charitable organisations that access the benefits of the countryside to pursue the health and wellbeing of people and to provide opportunities for education about the countryside in England and Wales.
Priority areas
Children and young people, disadvantaged financially, physically, mentally, or from areas of deprivation.
Funding guidelines
Who can apply
Small and medium sized charities and not for profit organisations such as CICβs with clear social purpose based in England and Wales, who have not been in receipt of a grant from CLACT in the previous three years and have a current safeguarding policy.
What we fund
Applications for running costs, project works and capital works. Evidence of need should be demonstrated.
We make one-off grants and applicants can reapply after three-years. Occasionally, multi-year funding may be awarded at the discretion of the trustees.
What we donβt fund
Grants for individuals, retrospective funding, non-educational holidays.