The CLA President's Award

Nominate a member for the CLA President's Award


Within the CLA membership there are a number of people who give loyal and long service to the CLA without actually having the honour of being a CLA Office Holder. These people diligently attend CLA meetings and represent the CLA at external meetings without any public recognition. The CLA President’s Award was created in 2016 as a public “thank you” for this service.


The next awards will be presented in November 2022 at the National CLA AGM 2022 following which they will be invited to join the CLA President for lunch.

It is expected that no more than 3-4 awards will be made and candidates will be selected against qualifying criteria.

President’s Award 2022

Qualifying Criteria

The award is made to those CLA members who have put in loyal and long service to the CLA without necessarily having had the honour of being a CLA Office holder at Branch or National level or a National Committee Chairman.

The recipients will be able to satisfy at least three of the following criteria:

  • at least 15 years active participation on National Committees but not in the capacity as Chairman or Officer
  • represented the CLA on national external committees for at least 10 years
  • represented the CLA on regional external committees for at least 12 years
  • not have held ‘office’ as a Branch Chairman/President in the regions
  • not to have been a national CLA office holder or National Committee chairman
  • undertaken some exceptional/outstanding service for the CLA for the benefit of the membership.

Nominations are invited from Staff and CLA members for candidates to be considered for a President’s Award. A citation of no more than 500 words should be submitted setting out how the member meets the criteria with supporting evidence as appropriate. Each nomination should be supported by a Staff member or a CLA member who knows the nominee.

Closing date for nominations is 16 September 2022. All nominations should be sent electronically to Lisa Hofford PA to the President and Director General.

Nominations will be judged by the President and Director General and will be announced and awarded at Council on 10 November 2022. Those to receive an award will be advised in advance.

Nomination form