Water Resources South East draft regional plan: Briefing note for CLA members

Read CLA note and take part in consultation on futureproofing water supplies
Water Resources South East (WRSE) is an alliance between companies across the region

Water Resources South East (WRSE) has now published its draft regional plan for consultation, and is encouraging CLA members to take part.

WRSE is an alliance between six water drinking companies across the South East, and it is welcoming your feedback on proposals to future-proof water supplies, while benefitting the environment and society.

The consultation deadline is 20 February, 2023, and can be completed here.

The CLA has put together a briefing note on the subject to help members get involved, and this document can be downloaded below.

For further information please contact:

Emily Brown, CLA South East Rural Adviser

Tel: 01264 313 434

Email: emily.brown@cla.org.uk

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