Great Yorkshire Show highlights

See a small pictorial selection of highlights at this year's Great Yorkshire Show
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CLA President Mark Tufnell opens his Breakfast Seminar, kindly supported by Savills and Saffery Champness, on Tuesday 11 July. Mark was joined by Hannah Turner from Savills and David Bussey from Saffery Champness speaking on the topic of 'Land use bingo?'. The event was attended by close to 170 members and guests.

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CLA member and CSX Carbon co-founder Sir Ed Milbank chaired an afternoon 'tea & talks' event with guest speakers Brian Richardson from Virgin Money; Holly Story from GSC Grays and Abby Robinson from CSX Carbon exploring the options for landowners to 'capitalise on natural capital' The event was attended by 80 members and guests.

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Martin Hanson from HSBC at the podium on the second day during a breakfast seminar discussing both Biodiversity Net Gain and Nutrient Neutrality. He was joined by other expert speakers Calum Gillhespy from GSC Grays, and Susan Twining from the CLA. We were fortunate enough to have had CLA Deputy President Victoria Vyvyan chair this event which was attended by around 70 members and guests. The event was generously supported by HSBC and GSC Grays.

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CLA Deputy President Victoria Vyvyan hosting the CLA Women's Network drinks reception at the CLA stand. Victoria reflected on the role of women in the rural economy, and was joined by Laura Guillon from Hall Brown Solicitors and Gillian Carlisle from the British Thoroughbred Retraining Centre.

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Rural Payments Agency CEO Paul Caldwell was joined by CLA members, including CLA Deputy President Victoria Vyvyan for a roundtable discussion on various aspects related to the application processes and user interfaces with regard to SFI and CS.

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... and no show would be complete without a drinks reception. On the Tuesday, we were treated to one by CLA Services, and the following day concluded with a drinks reception which took the form of a wine tasting hosted by Dunesforde Vineyards.

Key contact:

Henk Geertsema
Henk Geertsema Communications Manager, CLA North