CLA at the Great Yorkshire Show 2023
The CLA North team, along with partners, will host a range of engaging activities to inform, inspire and network at this year's Great Yorkshire Show from 11 to 14 July.Daily sit down cold buffet lunch from 12noon to 2pm

Cold buffet plated lunches, priced at £34 incl. VAT, available daily at the CLA stand.
Mains include a meat platter (farmhouse chicken liver pate; sliced oak smoked chicken breast (df, gf); hand carved honey and mustard glazed ham (df) or a vegetarian / vegan platter (heritage golden beetroot red onion tarte tatin; lemon, garlic and thyme marinated griddled Mediterranean vegetables (gf); Vegan feta, sun blushed tomato and basil skewers (gf).
Mains served with Focaccia bread; Sweet cherry bell peppers (gf); Tuscan Pappardelle vegetable salad; garden herb leaf salad with mustard seed dressing; homemade coleslaw and hot new potatoes.
Dessert includes Squidgy chocolate brownies; Fresh bowl of seasonal fruit (vg, gf) ; teas and coffees
Tuesday 11 July 2023
8am – CLA President’s Breakfast - EVENT FULLY BOOKED
Land Use Bingo? What does the future hold?

The CLA’s President Mark Tufnell will host a President’s Breakfast for members and guests from 8am to 9.30am and is generously sponsored by Saffery Champness and Savills. Breakfast rolls, coffees and teas provided. Please register your attendance to avoid disappointment and for catering purposes.

Speakers are:
* Mark Tufnell - CLA President
* Hannah Turner - Director, Rural Management, Savills, Savills
* David Bussey - Director, Saffery Champness
Speakers will cover the theme of ‘Land Use Bingo?’ giving their respective takes on the considerations for optimising future land use in the context of diversified revenue streams whilst also offering societal and environmental benefits.

9.30 to 11.30am – CLA Business Hub
An opportunity for members to receive free advice as part of our drop-in hub, kindly supported by the Forestry Commission, White Rose Forest, Crosby Granger Architects; Hall Brown Family Law, who will have specialists on the stand, in addition to the CLA and CLA Services (Energy, Insurance, Health).

3.30pm – 4.30pm – ‘Tea and Talks’ (FREE) - booking required
How to Capitalise on Natural Capital

Click here to register for this event
This event, generously supported by Virgin Money and GSC Grays and chaired by Sir Ed Milbank, will host expert speakers on the theme of ‘Capitalising on Natural Capital’ which will explore the practical ways in which landowners and farmers – of all sizes - can maximise returns on their basket of environmental goods.

Speakers are:
* Brian Richardson, Head of Agriculture at Virgin Money - how can landowners’ and farmers’ natural capital can be financially beneficial from a banking perspective?
* Holly Story, Director and Head on the Environment and Sustainability at GSC Grays - what is, or should, the role of landowners, agents and advisers be in this journey?
* Abby Robinson, Environmental Data Analyst at CSX Carbon - what are the practical things that can be done to measure biodiversity, carbon capture in order access nature markets?

4.30pm to 6pm – CLA Services Drinks Reception
Members and guests are welcome to attend this drinks reception hosted by CLA Services (Energy; Insurance; Healthcare).

Wednesday 12 July
8am – Breakfast Seminar (FREE) - booking required
What are the Challenges and Opportunities for Biodiversity Net Gain and Nutrient Neutrality?

Click here to register for this event
Speakers at his seminar, generously supported by GSC Grays and HSBC will focus on sustainability related to Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) and Nutrient Neutrality (NN) and why it is essential to understand the impacts and opportunities both can bring to farmers and landowners.
Breakfast rolls, teas and coffees will be provided. Please register your attendance to avoid disappointment and for catering purposes.

Speakers are:
*Martin Hanson, Head of Agriculture at HSBC
* Calum Gillhespy, Director at GSC Grays
*Susan Twining, CLA Chief Land Use Policy Adviser
Presentations will be followed by a Q&A session.

9.30am to 11.30am – CLA Business Hub
The Business Hub, kindly supported by Hall Brown Solicitors, Forestry Commission, White Rose Forest. is an opportunity to access free advice from their specialist advisers, in addition to those from CLA Services and the CLA.

11.30am to 12.30pm Women’s Network
In discussion with CLA Deputy President Victoria Vyvyan

Hall Brown Solicitors are kindly sponsoring this drinks reception. CLA Deputy President Victoria Vyvyan will be there to reflect on women’s role in the rural economy. Victoria will be joined by special guest speakers Laura Guillon Partner at Hall Brown Solicitors, and Gillian Carlisle, Chief Executive of The British Thoroughbred Retraining Centre.
Laura will talk about the legal sector, and how the work environment has changed for women in this profession - and outside of it. Gillian will focus her talk on the role of women in placing greater emphasis on animal welfare across society.
4.30pm to 6pm – Drinks Reception
Members and guests are welcome to attend this drinks reception hosted by Dunesforde Vineyard who will provide tastings of their range of wines, with still and sparkling wines on offer.
Thursday & Friday - 13 & 14 July
On the Thursday and Friday we expect to welcome Members of Parliament to the CLA stand at various points during the day to discuss agricultural transition policy, rural economy, business support and criminal activity in rural areas.
Booking support & information
It is essential for members to register for events as indicated on this page.
Please note that registering your attendance at a CLA event does not offer free entry to the Great Yorkshire Show. Members of the Yorkshire Agricultural Society can visit the Show on any day, as long as they bring their membership card along.
Delegate names and business names (where appropriate) will be shared with the sponsors in advance of this event. No other information will be shared.
Members and guests requiring assistance to register or for further information, can contact Rachael Clayton by telephoning 01748 90 7070, or by emailing
Further updates on activities at this year’s show will be communicated via the CLA North’s bi-weekly enewsletter, as well as a special Great Yorkshire Show email which will be sent out in early July.