Charitable Northumberland Walk in aid of the Country Trust

On Thursday (11 May), the CLA North team, with support from Muckle LLP and YoungsRPS, supported a successful farm ‘walk and talk’, hosted by Charlie Bennett at Middleton North Farm near Morpeth. The aim of this event was to raise funds for education charity, the Country Trust.

The early evening event was attended by more than thirty guests where Charlie gave an insight into his unique approach of ‘common sense farming’ which allows him to have natural and environmental assets working in tandem with farming profitability. After the talk and walk, guests were treated to a barbeque.

Funds raised amounted to £550 in aid of the Country Trust, which is a leading national educational charity connecting children from areas of high social and economic disadvantage with the countryside, farms and food. The funds raised will support activities for up to 30 children!

Middleton North host Charlie Bennett said: “It was fantastic to host this ‘walk and talk’ in aid of the Country Trust. They do exceptional work in Northumberland and beyond by connecting children from areas of high social and economic disadvantage with the land that sustains us all.”

The Country Trust’s Major Donor Fundraiser & Farm Discovery Coordinator, Sue Thompson said: “We are indebted to the CLA for organising this event, along with supporters Muckle LLP and YoungsRPS.”

“Charlie was a fantastic and entertaining host and is an enthusiastic ambassador and fundraiser for the Country Trust for a few years. His passion to share his knowledge and expertise to children is infectious, and his school visits are always incredible.”

See more about the charitable walk’s beneficiary:

See more about Middleton North:

Key contact:

Henk Geertsema
Henk Geertsema Communications Manager, CLA North