Rural collaboration – Can you help?
The Country Land and Business Association working is alongside Shropshire Council to tackle rural matters in the countyFor several years, the CLA Midlands region have held liaison meetings with Shropshire Council.
These meetings give the CLA, members and the Council the freedom to discuss the challenges that rural communities are facing, and create solutions to tackle these, as well as look at opportunities for collaboration.
Shropshire Council and the CLA agreed at the last meeting to work together on certain areas within the county, such as affordable housing, highways and environmental such as Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) and Local Nature Recovery Strategies (LNRS).
Possible commercial opportunities have become available under the ‘highways’ umbrella for members to provide locations for distribution bases at specific sites across the county:
In the north of the county between Market Drayton, Whitchurch and Wem, locations are sought to be used for storage of equipment to reduce haulage and travel time from main highways’ depots.
In the south of the county between Much Wenlock, Broseley, Bridgnorth and Sutton Maddock, locations are sought to relocate some Street Scene vehicles and delivery teams.
If you would be interested in taking up one of these opportunities, please contact the CLA Midlands office on 01785 337010 for further information.