Guest Blog: Rural Crime
Read the latest guest blog from Carol Cotterill, Rural Crime Coordinator for Warwickshire Police and Rob Cross, Leicestershire Police
Rural, wildlife and heritage crime is a constant threat for residents of the Great British countryside. Peaks and troughs of offending often mean that areas that may lie relatively dormant in terms of crime then can be hit hard in a few short weeks by criminals.
Forces regularly share intelligence and information to address cross border offending and Organised Crime Groups that move around targeting different parts of the country.
Leicestershire Police and Warwickshire Police are fortunate to both have dedicated Rural Crime Teams who specialise in and are passionate about tackling crime and the offenders that target our rural communities.
We have both worked together for approaching 10 years addressing crime in our areas, arranging joint operations and sharing intelligence.
Both of our forces work closely with our landowners, farmers and rural communities providing alerts and information on what is happening in our areas.
By working together we can make a real difference and part of that is ensuring that crime or any kind of suspicious activity is reported so that it can be looked into.
Reporting incidents is really important and can be done by either calling 101, or 999 if a crime is in progress or you have concern for your safety. There is also an online option available by going to or, dependent on the county that you are in.
Sgt Rob Cross - Leicestershire Police & Rural Crime Coordinator Carol Cotterill – Warwickshire Police.”