Nottinghamshire and Nottingham LNRS update

An update from Catherine Mayhew, Local Nature Recovery Strategy Coordinator at Nottingham City Council

Work is continuing on the preparation of the draft Local Nature Recovery Strategy for Nottinghamshire and Nottingham. Over the next couple of months we will be focussing on compiling the description of the area and identifying opportunities and pressures, including reviewing relevant spatial plans and strategies, with support from the Data and Evidence Working Group. This will feed into the Statement of Biodiversity Priorities, one of the 2 key elements of the LNRS.

The second element is the Local Habitat Map. We intend to publish Part 1 of the map by mid-February which will show the CURRENT Areas of Importance for Biodiversity, which are those areas of national and local importance already identified and defined by Defra/Natural England, such as Sites of Special Scientific Interest, National and Local Nature Reserves, Local Wildlife Sites and Ancient Woodlands. This map will be made available to view on the LNRS webpage of the County Council website - Local Nature Recovery Strategy

Part 2 of the map will show areas that COULD BECOME of importance, and these areas will be identified through the consultation and engagement process with stakeholder organisations and the public which will take place over the first part of this year. A formal public consultation on the draft strategy will be held in late summer/autumn 2024 with publication of the final LNRS planned for March 2025.

We propose to hold workshops and focus groups in the Spring, supported by facilitators and engagement specialists, to help identify the priorities for nature recovery in Nottinghamshire, and show where we need to focus our efforts to bring about the best results for improving biodiversity, to help prepare the draft strategy. In line with guidance from Natural England we will hold separate sessions for landowners, land managers and farmers as we recognise as this sector group will have specific issues to raise, as well as an important role in the future delivery of the LNRS. We will be working closely with your local representatives for advice on the best way to involve you in this process.

Progress on the LNRS will be regularly updated on the webpage here