About CLA South West

CLA South West is here to help you and your rural business in the region
White Horse Westbury Wiltshire.jpg
Credit: Kim John - The White Horse at Westbury, Wiltshire

CLA South West provides services and rural representation for members in the counties of Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Gloucestershire, Somerset and Wiltshire.

Contact us

Our main office telephone number is 01249 599059. Alternatively, send an email to southwest@cla.org.uk

Our address

CLA South West, Manor Farm Stables, Biddestone, Chippenham, SN14 7DH

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Serving members in the South West

The South West is the most important agricultural region in the country - as well as being a major tourist destination, home to two national parks, World Heritage sites and a host of designated fragile and important landscapes.

The CLA in the South West not only represents the interests of the people who own, farm and manage the land, but it also campaigns for the kind of vibrant and healthy rural economy which supports the beauty of the landscape, the diversity of the environment and the populations of our villages and market towns.


We campaign regionally on behalf of our members and the whole rural economy. We lobby national and local Government, respond to consultations and have representation in a range of organisations to safeguard our members' interests.

We use our expertise and experience on rural matters to promote our members' interests and to influence decision-makers.  We speak for everyone who believes in a living and working countryside.

Help and advice

Full members enjoy access to a free and unlimited advisory service providing independent, impartial information and advice across the whole spectrum of rural and business issues.

Our advisory team, based at our Biddestone office, is made up of Mark Burton, Chris Farr and Duncan Anderson Margetts, who offer expertise in all rural policy and land management areas. Ann Maidment, our Regional Director, is also a Chartered Surveyor able to advise on policy areas. 

If you would like help from our advisors simply contact the regional office - the sooner you call, the sooner we may be able to help you.

Media and Communications

We use our media expertise to maintain a high profile across the region on the issues affecting our members and to support our lobbying activities. You can hear us regularly on local radio and read about us in your local and regional papers and online.

Up to date information – Members receive our monthly magazine with a detailed “regional news” section. They also receive a regular 'ENews' (Do we have your email address?), plus access to a wide variety of information leaflets and briefing notes.  

Keep up-to-date by following us on Twitter @CLASouthwest. You can also follow the latest news and event updates on Linkedin and we've recently joined Instagram

Regional Events

Members and their guests can enjoy a wide range of technical, social and professional events and activities.

We run regional conferences, seminars, webinars and workshops on key policy issues plus tax and legal advisory clinics, informal meetings with the SW professional team plus a programme of social visits to the hidden gems of the South West. 

You'll find us at the major agricultural shows across the region - Royal Cornwall Show, Royal Bath and West Show and the Devon County Show.

You'll find these in the events section of the website, advertised in our regular e-communications and in Land & Business magazine.

Your Local Branch Committee

Our branch committee members are the eyes and ears of the CLA in each county and play a key role in formulating national policy, ensuring views and concerns of members in the South West are taken into account with CLA national lobbying. To find out who is on your branch committee click on your county below.

Cornwall Branch Committee

President: Jan Trefusis

Chairman: Darran Goldby MRICS FAAV

Vice Chairman: Ed Coode

Ex Officio Committee members: 

Peter Edwards DL JP, Rupert Hanbury- Tenison, Tony Harris FRICS, Iain Mackie, Jimmy Scobie FRICS, Robert Sloman, Trish Stone, Victoria Vyvyan, Andrew Williams, John Willis MRICS.

Committee members: 

Chris Anderson, Emily Borton, Sammie Coryton, Brian Harvey, Luke Humphries, John Kitson, Jenny Olds, Sally Pentreath, Paul Rice, Phil Reed, Matthew Rowe, Patricia Thomas, Tom Williams.

Co-opted members: 

Nick Lawrence MRICS, Geraint Richards MICFor, Dr Robin Jackson.

Devon Branch Committee

President: Craig Hodgson 

Chairman: Mary Alford

Vice Chairman: Hayley Parker

Past National President: David Fursdon DL, MA(Oxon), FRICS, FAAV

Committee members: 

Jonathan Coyte, Charles Eden, Alistair Handyside, Katherine Hawke, Graham Kerslake, Justin Laseclles, Jane Logan, Greg Page-Turner, Ralph Rayner, Leigh Rix, Ann Willcocks. 

Co-Opted Members:

George Cave, Earl of Devon Charles Courtenay, Professor Matt Lobley, Anne Marie Morris MP, Chris Murray, Robin Milton, Alex Raeder MRICS, Tom Stratton BSc(Hons) MRICS.

Dorset Branch Committee

President: James Weld

Chairman: Paul Tory BSc MRICS

Vice Chairman: David Chismon

Committee members:
Nat Bond, Richard Bond, Will Bond, , Philip Colfox, Lord Henry Digby, Paul Dunlop, Gavin Fauvel, Alice Favre, Chris Jowett, Alice Kennard, Rebecca Knox, Sir Christopher Lees, Lara Manningham-Buller, Luke Rake, Nick Stone, Adair Williams

Gloucestershire Branch Committee

President: Sir Henry Elwes KCVO JP

Chairman: Thomas Jenner-Fust 

Vice Chairman: Anabel Mackinnon

Past National Officer: 

Henry Robinson Esq DL (Past President)

Mark Tufnell Esq MA (Cantab) ACA CTA (National President)

Committee Members: 
Liam Aggett, Sarah Bird, Giles Brockbank Dip TP, MRTPI, Ed Dixon, Alexander George MVO MRICS, Ed Gunnery MRICS MRTPI, The Earl of Harrowby, Christopher Hawkins, Charlotte Kershaw, Robert Killen, Henry Lloyd-Baker, Douglas Mackellar, Hugo Mander, Charles Mann, Nathan McLoughlin, Judith Norris, Dan Powell, Alexander Robinson, Nicholas Smail, Richard White.

Co-Opted Members: 
Maisie Jepson

Somerset Branch Committee

President: Hugh Warmington 

Chairman: Sam Kirkham 

Vice Chairman:  The Hon. Ewen Cameron

Committee members: Ray Adlam, Charlie Ainge, Ed Barlow, Charles Crawford, Charles Hignett, Rebecca Kimber-Danger, Harry Lang, Alistair Mead, Richard Payne, Patrick Rose, Jeff Speke, Jeremy Taylor, Mark Thomasin-Foster

Co-Opted Members: Rebeccca Pow MP

Wiltshire Branch Committee

President: Sir Charles Hobhouse

Chairman: Duncan Sigournay

Vice Chairman: Jonathan Kerr

Committee Members: Robin Aird, Alex Barton, Charlotte Boole, William Cartwright-Hignett, Aloysia Daros, James Del Mar, Alistair Ewing, Kit Harding, Eddie Holloway, George Hosier, Simon Kerry, Tom Mason, Dawn Peattie, Emma Pryce, Jonny Walker, Caroline Wheatley-Hubbard, Joe Wookey.

Co-opted members: 

Michelle Donelan MP 

James Gray MP

Joanna Lewis

James Miles-Hobbs

Become a Member

There has never been a more important time to benefit from being a member of the CLA: if you are not already part of our organisation contact the regional office on 01249 599059 or email us to find out more.